I was given #7 on this new Facebook meme about pregnancy. So here goes.
CW- I was only off the birth control pill for 3 months when I found out I was pregnant. We thought it would take awhile, because a Doctor had told me I had PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome. After I gave birth, my OB asked if that Doctor was serious. Good to know!
- I had low level nausea for most of the first trimester. I never threw up, just felt queasy.
- For the first five months, I couldn't stand meat. Not even the thought of it. I did get lots of fruit and veg during that time, though.
- I'm a heavy girl, so my OB was very careful about my weight and had me tested for gestational diabetes far earlier than usual. Good thing, too. I had it. Meds and shots to finish off this pregnancy.
- CW had the hiccups a LOT. I remember sitting at my desk with my belly bouncing.
- I didn't gain a single pound during my pregnancy and lost 10 immediately. Yeah! Didn't stay gone, as I had to recover from a C-section.
- I was in labor (back labor!!!) for 36 hours before the emergency c-section. Dr. M offered the surgery when she saw I was only dialated to 5. Along with my pain and lack of progression, she was getting concerned. Chris leaned down to me and said, "maybe we should try a little longer." He nearly lost his face! Nope, I wanted drugs and that baby out of me.
Ivan- I was on birth control. We were leaning toward not having another baby when I found out I was 2 months pregnant.
- Again, no vomiting. But I was relieved to have less nausea.
- Because of my pregnancy with CW, Dr. M didn't even bother testing me for gestational diabetes. She assumed I had it, had me start testing my sugars and with those numbers she got me on medicine.
- I can't remember a single weird craving from this pregnancy.
- Again I didn't gain any weight, but happy day I didn't have bed rest either.
- When my doctor saw how shocked I was by this pregnancy, she offered to help me get an abortion. She even broached the subject of doing it secretly. No, Chris wasn't the problem, I was just floored by being pregnant even though I was on Birth Control. I wasn't upset, just so surprised! I was touched that she is so concerned for her patients. She always listened to me like a friend. Not a lot of doctors today give you that kind of time.
- Scheduled c-section made this a much more relaxing birth. Chris and I even had a date night the night before, because my mom took CW.
2 beautiful babies ;o) Very surprising being pregnant and on birth control! Happy to see you back in blog land ;o)