Friday, October 29, 2010

Here comes Halloween...

Thinking about costumes, talking about costumes, dreaming about boy CW was full of ideas. He wanted to be batman, spiderman, a Ninja, a knight, even Little Red Riding Hood. For his first 2 halloweens I made his costumes with a pattern. First year he was a alien puppy. God that fur was horrible!

The next year I tried a dinosaur costume, I chose maroon and gold, since we live with Central Michigan University and those are the school colors. Hey I thought he might get extra chocolate.

But then I had Ivan and my workload increaked 10-fold. How does a 2nd child bring that much extra work? lol Well, his 3rd halloween he was a pirate and then a batman. Ivan reused the costumes I made, so it was good they went thru 2 children.

Well, after having Ivan I thought my costume making days were over. But I found the dinosaur costume at the Salvation Army for $1.49, and I mean literally the one that I made - I donated it. It made me long to do it again. So here is the Lilac Wolf orignal for 2010.

CW is a vampire, and Ivan is a wizard. CW picked out the big package of vampire teeth and we have some candy blood from Octoberfarm that he plans to carry with him. He came up to me saying "going to take your blood!" He is excited, and I think Ivan will as well this year. We are practicing saying "trick or treat."

Now I need to go finish crocheting my witch hat.

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