Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Witchy Products Reviews

I'm such a lucky witch. I was sent a mini white sage smudge from LadywoodSpirit's Emporium. It was so sweet of her. I actually found her on E-Bay when I ordered some little black ritual candles and a large sage smudge...we like sage in our house! Anyway we started talking, she was so conscientious about my order - it was in the mail the same day I ordered it. Then she offered to let me do a review on the white sage when she recieved her shipment. Well you know me - sage and free...doesn't get any better than that. It smokes up wonderfully. I like how the string looks natural and it's not too tight. The smell? Divine, we can smell it for ages after burning just a little. You can find her store here.

Then my very good friend, Lisa Brawner (her blog is Tribal Horse Designs) a little guy called "1 card Advice King Of SwordsTarot reading Deck Spirit Voodoo Medicine Stick Art", but honestly it has already demanded placement as my wand. My hand fits perfectly at the base and all the decoration and feathers and's so me! I remember when she first posted it, I can't believe it didn't sell. Well that's because it was meant to be mine, right? lol She does great jewelry, anyone who has read this blog or been on my FB page for any length of time knows that. She's supplied pretty much my whole collection. But she has started playing around with feathers, making these killer hair pieces that remind me of the flapper era. And these voodoo sculptures are fairly new as well. But did you know she sells spells too? She sent me a money tree spell. I'm going to give that one a go on the full moon. Stay tuned because she has hinted at offering something as a giveaway to my readers!

And this final picture. Just a little something from my friend Nydia who creates these felt gods and goddesses with the most intricate embroidery. Kind of hard to see, I have Hecate and Hades behind the buck and hanging from the horns are 2 skulls she created. She recently sent the pink one with my order and I immediately fell in love. There was a baby Hecate - but CW laid claim. lol Yes my little altar space is a small as the rest of my home. Someday I hope to get a large enough wood table to have a permanent spot.


  1. You are a lucky Witch, indeed! Your place is cleansed, smelling lovely and looking good!

  2. You lucky lucky witch! What wonderful wares you have received. You are such a sweetheart, it is no wonder that good things come your way. Hugs to you. Mina


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