Sunday, January 14, 2018

Book Review: The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

This right here is why "don't judge a book by it's cover" is the silliest saying. It's beautiful, dark and attention grabbing.

The story earns those descriptions.

You have Alice, a teen with anger issues.  Never happens, right? She's been moving all her life with her mom, Ella. They never stay still for long because the "bad luck" always finds them.

When Ella learns her mother has died, she thinks the bad luck is over and settles down. Alice gets a job and starts going to this fancy school with her new step-sister.

But is the bad luck really over? When Alice comes home and finds the apartment ripped apart and her mother missing, she fears the worst luck of all has found them at last.

I love fairy tales and this one doesn't disappoint. These aren't stories you've ever heard, but man was it ever good!

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