Saturday, April 9, 2011

Review - Stuff Every Husband Should Know

Stuff Every HUSBAND Should Know by Eric San Juan

This book is full of helpful hints for the average newlywed guy. When to be quiet and when to help out. Even tips on how to do things like fold clothes, a few recipes, even how to surprise your wife with breakfast in bed.

What I really like is in the introduction Eric talks about "manning up" and marriage is not a choice between "your wife is always right" and "you need to put her in her place." It's about putting your marriage first and getting done what needs to get done. The fact is that is what your wife is doing throughout the marriage.

When choosing a house he suggests you pick something that is important and also pick something that you can let go of. And then suggests the wife do the same, then you guys have a good starting point when shopping. After the marriage and kids, the house is the biggest decision you'll ever make.

The book also made me chuckle. He often tells the man when NOT to say something. "Never suggest her period is inconvenient for you. If you don't like it, how do you think she feels?" Or on How to Live with a Pregnant Wife "don't compare your discomfort to hers."

It has a lot of how to lists, I even appreciated the ones on wall repair. I now know how to repair a large whole in the wall. And there is how to fold laundry, how to go grocery shopping as fast as you can. How to paint a room. Lists of things you need to have.

Honestly this is what I am going to give as a wedding gift for now on. Now they need to do one for women, "What Every Wife Needs to Know." What do you think Quirk? If I wrote it would you publish it? ;)

Ladies, go get this book for your men. It's a good read even if you aren't newly married.

Amazon - $9.95
Kindle - $7.96
Barnes & Nobles - $9.15
Nook - $7.96

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