Friday, September 21, 2012

Activity Review: Day Out with Thomas / Crossroads Vilalge

This isn't my normal review, but for all the good we got out of this day I just had to write something. Ivan turned 4 this year, and if you have ever heard anything about him, you know he adores Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends. In fact, he really only has Thomas toys, Thomas books, even a Thomas blanket, towel and clothes!

I decided, since he loves Thomas so much, that we should do the Day Out with Thomas for his birthday. It's held every year at Crossroads Village. I didn't like the tacked on fee, but honestly the price wasn't too bad. And while we were there they gave us information about their Halloween and Winter programs. And those tickets are even cheaper! It's a fee to get into Crossroads Village and then a little extra for a train and/or boat ride.

We never did find the boat, but we saw lots of other great bits of history. There are lots of old houses and barns that were rescued from within Genesee County, before they were destroyed. They have employees in each house that will give you a small tour and tell you about the home's history. They are filled with antique furniture and pictures of the family that owned the homes. This picture shows the boys standing in front of a steam-tractor.

All the employees were wonderful. They were friendly to the boys and really got down on their level. I'm impressed with how long everything there held their fascination. There was a lot of Thomas type stuff going on, but my boys didn't shy away from the Cider Mill, the straw-maze and all the houses and business.

Shoot, they even had fun at the broom shop! She was also selling little pot-scrubbers. She told me they were great for cast-iron pans, and were made of the same material as the brooms. I love my cast-iron pans, but detest cleaning them. I decided to give it a try. She wasn't kidding, best thing I've ever owned. I'm going to get some more next time I go down.

I'm saving the best story for last. CW had me buy him a ty beanie baby from the general store. I bought a bonnet, like you see on Little House on the Prairie. Can I just insert here that those women knew what they were doing with those things! I wear it when I mow the lawn, keeps my hair out of my face and the sun out of my eyes.

Well, back to the bear. Somewhere between that purchase and the car, he was lost. I called and messaged them to see if someone turned it into Lost and Found. They messaged me back and gave me a number to call. I called her and left a message. I really didn't think she was going to be able to help me. But she calls me back and says that no one turned one in, but after a hunt she did fine one final bear (a small miracle considering they were on clearance) and she mailed CW his bear! I mean, not asking anything of me, just got my address and CW's name and boom, right to our door! You'd have thought it was his birthday and Christmas all rolled into one. It's now his favorite doll.

We will be back. It's a great family day-venture. There are lots of hotels in the area, and even some camping. But it's less than a 2 hour drive for us, so it easy to make a day of it. I'm not sure how busy they get for the regular days, but if you want to go see Thomas, buy in advance.

And if you weren't sick of looking at my kids, I made a YouTube video of all the pictures and videos I captured with my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Angie, your boys are too sweet! What little loves they are. I love going through old homes which have been kept close to original and learning about the history of the home and area, You did a fabulous job on that video! I love the background music. So entertaining with lots of oooohs and ahhhhhs. Have a beautiful week.


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