Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Book Review - Saint Odd

by: Dean Koontz

Uggg - that last Odd Thomas book! I was both excited by and dreading this book. I've loved all the Odd Thomas stories. Odd is a superhero, I don't care what he thinks. If nothing else, his unwavering ethics earn him that title. He must do the right thing, no matter the danger. He sees dead people, and occasionally helps them cross over, but that is not even the main thing he does.

Mainly, he fights evil. Serious, child sacrifice and mass murder kind of evil. He uses his gifts in this war. He finds allies as well. For all he's seen, he believes that people are generally good and must be protected from the growing evil in the world.

For his final battle, Odd returns to his home in Pico Mundo, New Mexico. He wants to see the people he cares about, but he also knows that something big and bad is going to happen and he has to try to stop it. It's a mystery. He doesn't know the what, the when, or the how. He barely understands the why. (Because evil, that's why!)

I enjoyed this as much as any of the others. You don't have to read them all, but you might not understand some of the people he is talking about that are from previous novels.

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