Saturday, September 22, 2018

Book Review: Heaven Adjacent by Catherine Ryan Hyde

**Many thanks to Netgalley for this review copy.**

I've only read a few of Catherine's book, but they strike me as being deep stories about the strength and struggle of family. This book is no different.

We've got Roseanna, a New York attorney, a partner in her firm, a clearly successful woman who suddenly runs away from home and refuses to go back. Her law partner and best friend had died suddenly. The woman had been working herself to the bone for years so she could retire early and then just dropped dead.

Roseanna was heartbroken, but I think also afraid of the same happening to her. She buys a farm on a whim, and moves right in. Giving up many luxuries, but finding that she can live without a lot of them just fine.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this story. I'm sorry to have to leave Rosie's farm. I'm quite satisfied, though. Reading one of Catherine's books is like eating a hearty comfort food meal. Grab a copy, she keeps her prices pretty low for how well she writes.

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